The Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor Protein 21 Cytoplasmic Expression Depressing the Apoptosis of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cell
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2020
15 June 2019
10 December 2019
8 January 2020
Abstract: AIMS: To investigate the cytoplasmic P21 expression regulating the apoptosis of human bronchial epithelial cell. MOTHEDS: The relationship of the cytoplasmic P21 expression with the apoptosis of 16HBE cells was studied after the plasmid pEGFP-N1-P21 was transfected into the 16HBE cells. After the 16HBE cells was the stimulated by the TGF-β1, the cytoplasmic and nucleic P21 expression and the apoptosis of 16HBE cell was detected, then the relationship of the P21 expression with the apoptosis of 16HBE cells was studied. RESULTS: The 16HBE cell had the basic low cytoplasmic and mainly high nucleic P21 protein expression, the plasmid PEGFP-N1-P21 could express P21 protein only in the cytoplasm of 16HBE cell and did not affect the nucleic P21 protein level. The apoptosis of 16HBE cells after transfection of the PEGFP-N1-P21 decreased. The apoptosis of 16HBE cells decreased as the time of the PEGFP-N1-P21 transfection increased, but the apoptosis of 16HBE cells increased without the PEGFP-N1-P21 transfection. The stimulation by TGF-β1 led to the expression of the cytoplasmic and nucleic P21 proteins, but mainly the cytoplasmic P21 protein expression, as the stimulation concentration of TGF-β1 increased, the cytoplasmic P21 expression decreased, but the nucleic P21 did not change. The apoptosis of 16HBE cells increased as the cytoplasmic P21 expression decreased after the concentration of TGF-β1 stimulation increased. CONCLUSIONS: The apoptosis of 16HBE cell was inhibited by the high cytoplasmic P21 expression through the transfection of PEGFP-N1-P21. TGF-β1 stimulation promoted the apoptosis of 16HBE cell by inhibiting the cytoplasmic P21 expression. The cytoplasmic P21 expression depresses the apoptosis of 16HBE cells.
Abstract: AIMS: To investigate the cytoplasmic P21 expression regulating the apoptosis of human bronchial epithelial cell. MOTHEDS: The relationship of the cytoplasmic P21 expression with the apoptosis of 16HBE cells was studied after the plasmid pEGFP-N1-P21 was transfected into the 16HBE cells. After the 16HBE cells was the stimulated by the TGF-β1, the cy...
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Micromorphological and Phytochemical Studies of Aloe barbadensis Mill Root
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2020
4 July 2019
13 January 2020
4 February 2020
Abstract: In Siddha system of medicine dried roots of Aloe barbadensis Mill. Synonyms Aloe vera Tourn ex Linn. Aloe indica Royle belonging to family Liliaceae is known as Kumari Ver. Aloe vera is the oldest medicinal plant ever known and the most applied medicinal plant worldwide. The plant produces at least six antiseptic agents such as lupeol, salicylic acid, urea nitrogen, cinnamonic acid, phenols and sulphur. All of these substances are recognized as antiseptics because they kill or control mold, bacteria, fungus and viruses, hence has the ability to eliminate many internal and external skin infections. The morphological and anatomical characteristics of the root were investigated by hand sectioning and then camera lucida diagrams to ascertain the relevance of these characters in establishment of interspecific similarities and differences in the taxa. The results showed that there is many layered cork cells followed by cortex and a vascular bundle with radial arrangement and exarch xylem. Although, the size and number of vascular bundles are varying the presence of one or two raphide bundles and starch grains is prominent. Phytochemical screening reveal the presence of tannin, saponin and flavonoids. These features both anatomy and phytochemistry clearly help in identification of this plant.
Abstract: In Siddha system of medicine dried roots of Aloe barbadensis Mill. Synonyms Aloe vera Tourn ex Linn. Aloe indica Royle belonging to family Liliaceae is known as Kumari Ver. Aloe vera is the oldest medicinal plant ever known and the most applied medicinal plant worldwide. The plant produces at least six antiseptic agents such as lupeol, salicylic ac...
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The Egyptian Period in the History of Embalming
Milyukov Vladimir Yefimovich,
Chilingaridi Svetlana Ninelievna,
Sharifova Kheyalya Murshud Kizi,
Sharifov Elshan Rovshan Oglu
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2020
25 November 2019
15 January 2020
10 February 2020
Abstract: Since ancient times, people have sought to preserve the body of a deceased person as a container for his soul. Embalming originated in Egypt, presumably in 200 BC. and permission was used until 650 AD The need for embalming the bodies of the dead in Egypt was associated with religious beliefs that for this it was necessary to remain intact. The history of embalming is an interesting section of the science of man and has almost four millennia. It is known that the Egyptians skillfully embalmed the bodies of the dead, and no nation in the world could compete with them in this area. The embalming methods used by the Egyptians were changed in accordance with the usual and receiving embalmers. Modern research quite accurately restored the embalming process in Ancient Egypt, which was divided into several stages. The problem of preserving the bodies of the dead continues to worry scientists today, paving the way for modern anatomical technologies and contributing to their development. Based on the texts of the ancient Egyptian embalms, their unique, sometimes mysterious art, the teachings on embalming developed, improved and survived to this day. Centuries have passed in the time of Embalming, but the problem of preserving the bodies of the dead continues to worry scientists.
Abstract: Since ancient times, people have sought to preserve the body of a deceased person as a container for his soul. Embalming originated in Egypt, presumably in 200 BC. and permission was used until 650 AD The need for embalming the bodies of the dead in Egypt was associated with religious beliefs that for this it was necessary to remain intact. The his...
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